There can be only one
No, I'm not still banging on about the US Supreme Court nominations, but the 80s 'cult' film 'Highlander', which in a fit of nostalgia I watched last night. After all, what could be more fun than watching a load of weirdo immortals duking it out with swords whilst wearing ridiculous 80s clothing? Wiping my arse with sandpaper impregnated with Ralgex, that's what.
For those of you lucky enough to have avoided Highlander, a camp Frenchman hammily plays a Scotsman, a Scotsman hammily plays a camp Arab, and rock band Queen just play camp. Unfortunately, the promise that 'there can be only one' proved a hollow one. The film spawned 3 sequels (the imaginatively titled Highlanders 2, 3 and 4) and a tv series. Inexplicably, there is even a Highlander fanclub, which raises serious questions about the state of our mental health care. I urge you all to log on and abuse these deluded people -
The moral of the story is beware of nostalgia. The reason why things aren't what they used to be is that things used to be even more crap.
I am not sure which of the following I should be most concered about:-
1) Will is allowed to have a soapbox on which to vent his spleen.
2) The Highlander fan club actually has enough members to hold a convention.
Will, maybe it's because I'm too used to working in S.I. units rather than whatever the US is on at the moment, but surely:
Highlander 2
+ Highlander 3
= 2 sequels?
rather than the claimed "spawned 3 sequels(...) and a tv series" ??
Thank you for your kind words, and for pointing out my error in ommitting Highlander 4 from my list of Highlander sequels. But honestly Oli, have you nothing better to do than sit on the internet and criticise peoples typing? It amazes me how some people choose to spend their day...
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