The soundtracks of misery
It's a well-known fact that during periods of prolonged physical activity the mind seems to latch onto repetitive tunes, and unfortunately these tunes are all too often terrible ones. For example, mountaineer Joe Simpson thought he was going to die to the tune of Brown Girl in the Ring by Boney M, which probably explains why he fought so hard to survive. Imagine if you will an eternity punctuated by Boney M (I don't have to imagine, because I've been to a Young Farmers Club 'disco' in Shropshire, which is more or less the same thing).
The soundtrack to my own adventures the Rockies over the weekend started off with the appropriately named I Can't Get You Out of my Head by pocket-sized pop star Kylie Minogue. You won't be surprised to hear that I'm not a big 'Kylie' fan, but at the time I was frigidly cold and mildly terrified, so the mental image of Australia's most talked-about curves was not entirely unwelcome.
As the day progressed and we found our momentum, for some reason Kylie was replaced by Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell, which is curious because I can think of nothing worse than trying to drag Mr Loaf's enormous lardy arse up a rock face. I love climbing, and I would do anything for love - but I won't do that.
Please note that I also do weddings, funerals and bar-mitzvahs - contact my agent for availability. I have had to knock the children's parties on the head though, for legal reasons
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