Thursday, July 21, 2005

They're at it again!

Hell's Bells, they're putting the 'fun' back into Fundamentalism yet again in London today. It's about time somebody told these humourless beirdy-weirdys that due to an error in translating the Koran, the actual payment due to a suicide bomber is not 72 virgins, but in fact a 72 year old virgin. Obviously, it's a bit late now to recall those Jihadis that have already been dispatched, but we feel sure that they will enjoy their eternity in Paradise with Aunt Phyllis anyway.

To be honest, my biggest fear is a repeat of the events of two weeks ago, when typical Colorado 'patriots' were stood by the side of the road holding up placards saying 'Today we are all British'. Well for fuck's sake don't tell the asylum seekers!! That's just the sort of wishy-washy liberal approach to immigration that 'Crusher' Blunkett has been warning us about. Next thing you know, some moron in the government will start suggesting that we should all carry identity cards.


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