Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It's time we brought the sexual impropriety back to British politics

In the image conscious world of west LA, it's not unusual to hear of men spending inordinate amounts of money on treatments for hair loss. There's no excuse. A man with that sort of cash to throw away on charlatans and quacks must presumably have some kind of professional occupation, and the very onset of alopecia indicates that they're old enough to know better. Lib. Dem MP Mark Oaten has gone even further though, and actually had the temerity to blame his decision to repeatedly stick his cock up a rent boy on his receding hairline. If he really needs the presence of a 20 year old man to get his jollies then that's his own business (and presumably his wife's as well), but he should at least show the courage not to blame his peccadilloes on an aging scalp.

On the other hand, the still excellently hirsute John Prescott is being hounded by the police for nothing more outrageous than shagging his secretary in the office. Shagging one's secretary has always been part and parcel of European politics, an expected privilege in the same ilk as tipping a waiter. Frankly, a drop in the ocean compared to the coke-snorting, auto-erotic asphyxiative antics of his Tory predeccessors. I'd certainly rather he was shafting his secretary than shafting my rights as a British citizen like the rest of the sexless 'New Labour' regime (for example trying to make me carry an i.d. card and then selling the data to foreign governments).

It's time we brought the sexual impropriety back to British politics, more poontang than policies I say. You only need to look at the White House to see what can happen when you only vote for people with morality.


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