Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Polish police end nun rebellion

Excellent. I have been campaigning for some time now that the risk posed by rebellious nuns be fully recognised. Finally the Polish authorities have led the way by showing these habit-wearing crones the smack of firm government. Oh, I know some of you out there will think that I'm being a little harsh. After all, I hear you ask, what harm can these people possibly do, cloistered as they are in their urban asceticism? Plenty, is the answer. It starts of with a couple of AveMarias here, a few shelters for 'fallen women' there, and before you know it they're terrorising the entire ecumenical structure. (Priests, as we know, are frightened of women generally, and nun's specifically). They say that nuns are the Brides of Christ: he clearly had a strange taste in women, Mary Magdalene aside.

The Polish authorities deployed 150 police, armed in riot gear and brandishing ladders, to deal with the 65 guitar-wielding anchorites. A wise precaution, there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered abbess and I for one wouldn't expect a fit, highly trained young policeman to go up against them with anything less than 3-to-1 superiority. A well-aimed rosary can be deadly.


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