Thursday, August 04, 2005

The high life

Scientists analysing the Po river in Northern Italy have found traces of 1,500 kg of cocaine, in an area of just 5 million people. No wonder they carry the Pope around on a chair. Even to someone who lives in LA, that's an impressive amount of blooter. Probably enough to keep the House of Commons fueled for a couple of late night voting sessions, and I would think that even Abramovich's lads would consider that a pretty memorable weekend*.

Admittedly I'm no expert, but I don't reckon that an average adult rectum can take more than a kilo or two of toot, which implies an awful lot of uncomfortable Colombians waddling into Milan airport. That surely raises questions concerning the efficacy of the (famously incorruptible) Italian law enforcement agencies. My guess is that if the Carabineri were to stop preening their plumes for long enough, they could find a few Turin proctologists driving around in Ferraris.

I'd be interested to see the same chemical technique applied to the Los Angeles Bay. There's some pretty lively fish off Santa Monica pier, and there's got to be a reason why LA County Lifeguards are so uptight.

Notes for my American audience
*As well as being staggeringly wealthy, Russian 'businessman' Roman Abramovich is the owner of Chelsea Football Club (now commonly known as Chelski). There's no particular reason to suggest that Chelsea players chase the dragon more than anyone else in the Premiership, but I know that it'll wind up my brother-in-law


Blogger patrick said...

Yo Will,

just catching up on your blog, all very good let us know how the trip went. In the interests of exacting use of language 'chase the dragon' is a slang term for inhaling heroin rather than snorting coke as your blog may suggest.

Doctor Dick signing off


2:47 pm  
Blogger Captain Fastrousers said...

Fastrousers endeavors to be thorough in his research, but I am alas only human (more or less).

Thank you for making this correction, and be assured that in future I will consult your undoubted experience in all matters narcotic.

Capt. Fastrousers

8:01 am  

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