Friday, December 16, 2005

A message to the NSF: FAO G.W. Bush esq

Have you ever wanted to tell George W. Bush exactly what you think of him? Thanks to the NSA, you don't have to bother! (Well, you might, but as a foreign national living in the USA I don't). They'll simply listen in on all your phone conversations and pass them on to George. Just in case you're reading Shock & Awe chaps, feel free to post a comment and join the party - although I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention the details of that phone conversation the other night with my Filipino 'friend'. What a man does in the privacy of his own home is a matter for himself alone (and of course the NSA, the White House, and the man who sweeps the floor at Langley). Enough said.

All this canvassing of the world's opinions seems to be paying off. George admitted this week what the rest of the world has been saying for five years, that his intelligence is deeply flawed. I have been commenting on Bush's intelligence for some time now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I have their full attention, "kiss my ass".

7:40 pm  

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