Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why did the antelope cross the road?

Who cares why the antelope crossed the road, just so long as it crossed in a safe manner that was considerate to other road users? One can barely travel a mile on a Fremont County highway without seeing some pathetic evidence of mammalian slaughter. It's the fault of the deer and antelope, of course. Majestic roamers of the Open Range they may be, but if a group of chimpanzees in West Africa can work out the Green-Cross Code when the only traffic they see is a UN truck on the way to the brothel every three days, then Wyoming's herbivores have no excuse.

Surely it's not a difficult concept, even for a ruminant. Most creatures would, I imagine, treat a long thin concrete structure littered with the corpses of it's own species with some trepidation, rather than rushing headlong at it. There are barely any thoroughfares in the entire state (actually, there's barely anything), so it wouldn't be hard to avoid roads completely. However, after over sixty years of mass car-ownership in the USA, these moronic Artiodactyla are still trying to stare down trucks. Darwinism works in mysterious ways here.

The natural majesty of Wyoming's wildlife

Lander, in Fremont County, is home to the world famous One-Shot Antelope Hunt. Why bother? They probably bag more Antelope on the way to the liquor store than they ever do whilst staring down the sights of a rifle.


It appears that I was wrong, the presence of unroadworthy ruminants is considered, by the Swiss at least, to be an important safety feature. Mind you, Switzerland is a nation who's defence strategy over the years has been to facilitate the illegal pillage of both sides during any major conflict, and arming their military with shotguns and a tool for taking stones out of horse's shoes. One should not be surprised of their traffic safety measures are somewhat agrarian.


Blogger Captain Fastrousers said...

You only say that because you're one of the main protagonists of my Colorado experiences. No doubt my UK audience is just as baffled whether I'm posting from Boulder or Brazil.

That is assuming I still have a UK audience, and they've not all taken to the streets of Londonne Towne with lanterns and pitchforks demanding Tony Blair's head on a platter.

That's how Charles II went, and Margaret Thatcher too as I recall.

10:27 am  

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