Has somebody fatwahed?
There's the lingering smell of a fatwah in the air, over a bunch of Danish cartoons that depict Allah. The muslim world is in predictable outcry, and stern measures are being urged against Denmark. For a start, a boycott of Danish products has been instigated in Arab countries. Bearing in mind that Denmark's major export is bacon, I can't see the loss of the muslim market share causing economic collapse.
With over 17,000,000 muslims in western Europe, I think they have a little more than bacon to worry about.
Hmm, I see what you mean. The Danish and French turban manufacturers could be in for a rocky 2006. On your advice I've shortened my position in Olaf and Peterssen Prayer-wear, and put it into the safer investment of Oleg's Kalashnikov Export Co.
Markets rise and markets fall, but (some) people will always have a need for Kalashnikovs.
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